It's been a long road - but - we're OPEN FOR BUSINESS
When the pandemic hit and the Yellow Green Farmer's Market closed in mid-March, and then the entire world shut down by April, I knew that I had to do something to ensure that my business would survive. I knew even in mid-March that a market like the Yellow Green Farmers Market would be a hot bed for transmission of the virus due to the number of people in close space, so I looked to pivot my business.
I focused on improving my website presence and looked for a more permanent space, where I could build my dream of a small cosmetic manufacturing facility and learning center with a small retail space.
In June, I found my dream space, located at 2140 Tyler St in Hollywood. Part of the reason I chose this location was that I believe that unless entrepreneurs work to invest in locations in their local community, there will be no economic development of that area. I believe in Hollywood and I want to make it better. Also, this space technically falls in the downtown Hollywood business district and also is a mixed use zoning, which allowed me to do a mixed use space of both cosmetic manufacture and retail!
It was a long road to making the space from where it started to what it is now! Here are photos of the before!
There were so many things that I needed to do to convert this Art Studio into a retail store and cosmetic manufacturer!
First, we painted, sanded and repaired the concrete floors and painted them all white. This first phase took almost the entire month of June due to the strenuous work required to deal with the floor and time between painting. The walls took about 4 coats of paint to cover that turquoise!
I was amazed at what a little paint would do to change the feel of this space!
Next, we installed a temporary curtain to separate the shipping and manufacturing area from the retail part of the store. We would like to build out the wall but wanted to save some money and time for now, just to get the store started before moving to the next phase!
After that we installed the register stand and the slat walls to create the retail space!
After that we were still waiting for store fixtures and back of store shipping station from IKEA and delivery times were so long and my first delivery was only on August 3. And second delivery on August 18!
Here is the shipping station:
After this, I was able to get my food permit for distributing dietary supplements and other small pre-packaged food items. I also finally merchandised the store and here is how it looks now:
This is what the front of the store looks like. We are still working on getting the sign changed so don't be fooled by the "Anything Goes Art Studio" Sign. Hopefully this should be resolved this month.
We are open for business every weekend on Saturdays from 11 am to 5 pm and Sundays from 12 pm to 5 pm. We also offer curbside pickup 7 days a week and shopping appointments that can be booked here. We really miss you and hope to see you again soon!
Love your story and your mission. Thank you for who you are in our community.
Great story. It sounds like a lot of work. Good luck!
(btw — I love your healthy products!)
Your blog is quite interesting. It’s neat to see how you transformed that space. It really looks great!
Looks amazing… can’t wait to come visit now that things are settled